Sharing my theme creations I've made to customize your Blackberry & other randomness.

If your looking for specific model themes, I do have a labels area below where you can search for example just 8500 themes or just 9700 themes by clicking on the corresponding label.

Pls don't post my themes & Ota links on other sites/forums/blogs WITHOUT my permission. You can however place a link directing them to my blog, but just because you have a link to my site under my theme images and the ota links doesn't mean it's ok. I would have to say I work hard for the themes I create, it takes time to create each one, and would appreciate the kindness at least of asking me first.

Get it? Got it? GOOD! :)

Twitter for Blackberry

I must say, I am more of an UberTwitter gal, but i've heard some good feedback from this app and ive tried it myself and seems alright, so Im sharing the news with ya'll for yourselfs to decide! =)

With Twitter® for BlackBerry® smartphones, you can easily stay connected to the information and people you care about.1 It’s available now as a beta release – download Twitter for your BlackBerry smartphone today.

Start Here www.blackberry.com/twitter

With Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones, it only takes a moment to do the things you love on Twitter.

* Get your Direct Messages as soon as they arrive
* Reply to tweets, re-tweet and send Direct Messages
* Post a link from your BlackBerry® Browser
* Take a funny picture and upload it
* Share your thoughts or join a conversation


To use Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones, you will need the following:

* 64MB BlackBerry smartphone
* 750KB of available BlackBerry smartphone memory
* BlackBerry® Device Software Version 4.5 or later

(Below is from Crackberry.com)

The Twitter® for BlackBerry® smartphone application is about to go into public beta. As of 9 p.m. EST tonight, BlackBerry users around the globe will be able to download the app and give it a try.

Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones has been available in a limited preview since February 11, 2010. The public beta version that will launch later today incorporates the following new features based on preview user feedback:

* Notifications of New Tweets and @Replies/Mentions
o When an @reply/mention is received, the user will be notified with a splat on the BlackBerry home screen ribbon as well as the application icon
o Users will also be notified of new tweets in the BlackBerry Messages list
* Twitter Lists Functionality
o Comprehensive option to build a list of Twitter users on any subject
+ Ability to add members to the list and view subscribers of the lists
o Users can also view other users' lists
* Profile Editing
o Users can edit their own Twitter profile from the application
o Users can also change their profile image from the application
* Personalization Settings
o Users can customize the look of the application with the ability to:
+ Show/hide the navigation bar and tweetbox
+ Change the font/style to their own preferred choice
o Users can click on a Twitter profile image and it will be enlarged for better viewing abilities
* Improved in-Application Caching/Polling
o Increased on-device caching for Timeline; Mentions to improve application performance
o Enlarged Avatar (Profile Picture) Viewing
+ Push Notifications for Direct Messages
+ Timeline Support
+ Following & Followers
+ Posting, Sending, Deleting, Replying and Re-Tweeting Tweets
+ User/Saved/Keyword/Proximity Search

These new features build on Twitter for BlackBerry's strengths at its original preview launch:

* Tweet Photos/Links
* Trending Topics
* Seamless integration into core BlackBerry Applications
* URL Shortening
* Auto Update

Twitter for BlackBerry Fun Fact: Did You Know that Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones allows users to follow someone on Twitter with just a click? Simply send your Twitter handle (@xxx) over BBM or email and have a contact click on it. Twitter for BlackBerry will open up and they can start following you right away!

Availability: Twitter for BlackBerry smartphones will be available for download from BlackBerry App World (in the Test Center) (www.blackberry.com/appworld) or on BlackBerry Beta Zone


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