So the last picture isn't the best, its a picture of a picture of a picture if that makes any sense. I just wanted you to see a little bit differently than the first image of the ThemeBuilder Program's Screenshot. You get the idea.
So it is HiddenToday. 8 user customizable icons on the homescreen. Main colors throughout are same as the 9700 version Pink, Purple, & Teal.
This is a premium theme, donation amount is $3.50
When making donation please specify for ***HkRainbowButterfly theme for 8500 and for os 4.6 or 5.0*** (I say that because I get quite a few donation emails and to make sure I send you out the correct links)
I did make this for both 4.6 & 5.0 on this theme. Please include email address where you would like your OTA LINK to be sent to or I will just use the paypal email address. Please allow me 24-48 hours to send you the OTA LINK as I'm not around my laptop all day. Usually once I see the donation email I get the Link sent out within Minutes.
Thanks for all the lovely emails, and comments! Happy Berrying!
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