No HiddenToday
Made for 9700 running 6.0
SideZen Style Theme
Colorful Throughout
This was a quickie theme I put together while I was playing around with the themestudio6 (BETA) program. I am still trying to get used to this theme builder, and the 6.0 os. I just needed to whip something up really fast to get some color and a theme that isn't stock for the BB. Leave a comment if you like or download. Will help me determine if I want to share or create more. Thanks...
I use this theme all the time! Love the use of colours and the font and everything about it. I check back often to see if there have been any new themes posted because I like your style, its nice to find something fresh that isn't a carbon-copy of all the other themes out there. Thanks again! :) it.Thankyou:)
Thank you... trying to find a nice ota hosting site so I can get back into theming... Hoping to find one soon! xoxo
Can I know what font are you using? ;)
Good and nice wallpapers. Thanks for sharing these wallpapers.
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