So.... I caved in, I finally started using Foursquare. As most of us know, it is not only for blackberry's I have quite a few Iphone & Android users on my friends list, also playing around with it. Myself I think its pretty neat, I can see where my friends are or have been. I don't check in at every place I go to but when Im bored there are days I do. I noticed the other day when I went to a restaurant to go eat Pho, (sooo yummy!) after I had checked in, it had displayed to me other users (not on my friends list) who had also checked in at this same place, and letting me know who might just be here. I turn around and I noticed the people behind me had checked in, and also my waiter.
There will probably be a few of you reading this, who thought the same thing like I did, I don't want a bunch of random people I don't know to know where I am. There are options to share with twitter, facebook or just friends. Usually I am posting it to just friends, but occasionally twitter. I say just try it, if you don't like it, delete the app and delete your foursquare account. Simple as that. It has the ability to find your friends on twitter and facebook who are currently using the app, which I used. I use my socialscope account which has a part I can add my foursquare account, but sometimes on socialscope it can't detect where I am at always so I fall back to the app for Blackberry.
One thing that foursquare lets you do is earn points and unlock badges for discovering new places, doing new things and meeting new people. So that is why I am suggesting you TRY it out, don't have to, but I've had fun with it this last week I've been playing around with it. Their Website is located at but i'll also include the ota for download below. Hope ya'll had a great weekend!
Foursquare App for Blackberry OTA
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