So my birthdays coming up, and im the kind of person who likes to plan everything in advance so since ima Libra thought I would come up with a Halloween Theme. Credits for Barb for the theme goodies, Steph for the Icons i've been using ALOT (lol) & to Blackberry Wallpapers for posting a halloween wall which inspired me to search for some wallies myself.
Im posting this now, because I like to use my themes leading to Holidays instead of downloading the theme like 2 days before the actual holiday.
Theme's colors are mainly Black, White, & Orange. For HiddenDock version to show icons 2-10 hit SPACE BAR to hide them hit ESC, both versions have hiddentoday & weatherslot icon remains on screen regardless if hidden or not. Theme is named HkHalloween1 due to the fact I have also 2-3 more Halloween Themes coming. :) Hope ya'll enjoy!
Ps ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ I wanna thank everyone for the positive feedback and comments & tons of friend requests for the Facebook Page, so i'm definitely going to be doing another fb theme soon! ♥
HkHalloween1 HiddenDock 9700 OTA
HkHalloween1 NotHiddenDock 9700 OTa
Additional Wallies just in case you wanna change them up :)
PSS- Super excited to have finally gotten my @socialscope update tonight! I absolutely love that app!
I love this! Could this possibly be available for the 85XX? Thank you!
Very cute Ruby! Bring on the Halloween themes! =)
Aww this is adoralicious !!!! A def one I'm gonna be sportin in Oct :). Tx Ruby !
Thanks for cute halloween themes specially the font that you're using :=) what's the name of the font? Can we download & use it in our blackberry? can't wait for another themes from you..
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