I had such great compliments on the first version and i've been using it like crazy on my BB lately, but needed something a bit different to change it up hence the second version. I wanna give credit to the banners and underlays to Barbie which I got the theme goodies items on her blog long ago, but still giving her my thanks! She also makes themes, and displays matching wallies for her themes on her blog which you can get HERE Hope you all enjoy!
HiddenToday 9700 Ota
8900 HiddenToday 4.6 Ota
8900 HiddenToday 5.0 Ota
9000 HiddenToday 4.6 Ota
9000 HiddenToday 5.0 Ota
Good work thanks for sharing. Do u kno where I can get the plain wallpaper u used throughout the theme w/o hello kitty on it?
hi lady ruby, i think you did a really good job on this theme. i like the small font. nice call screens.the nice menu screens. i like that today's date is showing on the 2nd screen(don't know what's called). the data sending/receiving arrow is in pink,that's cute.very good theme.
thanks so much for making this for the 9000, alot of people are very excited :]
thanks so much for making this for the 9000, alot of us are very thankful :]
@swdoro- your welcome I think i've only made a few of these over the months for 9000 I didnt really have many ppl with that bb request converts. I'll prolly have to find a permanent tester or something for me if it keeps up :)
@Mieko- Thank you for the comment. im glad you enjoy it , it is one of my favorites!
Thank you so much for making it for the 8900!! =)
@Glamourgirl- Your welcome.
its weird all of a sudden everyone just started buying the 9000's again, well we all appreciate you including us :] thank you
@Swdoro- Well it must be an awesome bb for people to go back to it. Probably like me and my 8900 I miss it sometimes too hehe.
i super love this, and big thanks for making it available for 9000 too! youre one sweet themer <3
@IcyCandySquares- Awww thanks Sharon! :)
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