Sharing my theme creations I've made to customize your Blackberry & other randomness.

If your looking for specific model themes, I do have a labels area below where you can search for example just 8500 themes or just 9700 themes by clicking on the corresponding label.

Pls don't post my themes & Ota links on other sites/forums/blogs WITHOUT my permission. You can however place a link directing them to my blog, but just because you have a link to my site under my theme images and the ota links doesn't mean it's ok. I would have to say I work hard for the themes I create, it takes time to create each one, and would appreciate the kindness at least of asking me first.

Get it? Got it? GOOD! :)

Checking in =]

Hey Dolls,
I've been getting some emails about how I have been as well as tweets and what not, and I just wanted to do a general message so everyone who is curious will know. I am doing well right now. I am still not 100% and I am in and out of different doctors and sometimes urgent care but I am still fighting to get better. Thanks for all your concern. About themes, Right now due to everything with my health I am taking a little break, I will continue to theme possibly once I'm all better, but I do have links for other great themers that you should also check out in the meantime ♥ I am also moving in 2 weeks so with everything else going on I will be a bit busy with packing, moving, then unpacking *sarcastic smile inserted here* LOL Sometimes I do little check-ins on twitter to say hi here and there so you can follow me at @ladyrubysthemes

Everyone have a blessed day.....


Raja Kaleem said...

Good and best wallpapers. Thanks for sharing these wallpapers.

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