Sharing my theme creations I've made to customize your Blackberry & other randomness.

If your looking for specific model themes, I do have a labels area below where you can search for example just 8500 themes or just 9700 themes by clicking on the corresponding label.

Pls don't post my themes & Ota links on other sites/forums/blogs WITHOUT my permission. You can however place a link directing them to my blog, but just because you have a link to my site under my theme images and the ota links doesn't mean it's ok. I would have to say I work hard for the themes I create, it takes time to create each one, and would appreciate the kindness at least of asking me first.

Get it? Got it? GOOD! :)

More for 8500

Hi Dolls, so i've been getting quite a few emails about more 8500 conversions, and I have been sick lately, so I've been slacking on returning emails. I have decided to do 3-4 more conversions though. Please give me time to complete them and keep in mind I'm not feeling well. They won't be in any special order, just with whatever I finish first will be posted first. Thanks for all the emails of my work, & everything else. Take Care xoxo

1. HkFall1 which is TodayPlus

2. RubyGirl which is HiddenToday

3. PurpleAbstract which is HiddenToday

4. Possibly SunnyDay which is MiddleDock


leiyazheeta said...

Hope you getting better swettie. Thank you so much,you're the best... :)

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