Sharing my theme creations I've made to customize your Blackberry & other randomness.

If your looking for specific model themes, I do have a labels area below where you can search for example just 8500 themes or just 9700 themes by clicking on the corresponding label.

Pls don't post my themes & Ota links on other sites/forums/blogs WITHOUT my permission. You can however place a link directing them to my blog, but just because you have a link to my site under my theme images and the ota links doesn't mean it's ok. I would have to say I work hard for the themes I create, it takes time to create each one, and would appreciate the kindness at least of asking me first.

Get it? Got it? GOOD! :)

Purple Abstract for 9700 with HiddenToday

Hi Dolls, so this is a very simple theme, similar to my previous Purple Abstract Theme I made before for the 8900. It has the same purple wallie throughout all screens, I made it this was, because I just wanted something purple and where I could change up the wallie, without seeing another screen with a character on it that wouldn't match.

This theme is a HiddenToday Theme, and HiddenDock Theme. The icons 2-9 hide, to HIDE icons press ESC Key, which is the key right to your trackpad on the 9700, to SHOW the icons press the SPACE BAR. I left the 1st icon to remain when all the others are hidden for myself because I like to see the weather icon. If you don't use a weather app you can always place your profiles icon there.

I also included a wallie I found while browsing the internet, and I thought it looked cute with the theme. Take Care All :)

Ps--- Don't forget to follow the blog >>>>

9700 OTA


Shannon said...

Yay! Not a lot of clutter, my favorite color, and I like the font too! Thank you!! (PS I added the theme page on FB)

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